Meet Ralph Echeverría
Ralph Echeverría is a seasoned foreign lawyer with extensive experience in International Private Law in the areas of Banking and Finance; International Business Relations, Trade & Negotiations; International Energy Matters, Mining, Oil & Gas industries; Transference of Technology and General Service Agreements; corporate representations, and general counselling in International Corporate Law: Business Compliance Process, Trade & Negotiations, , Trademarks, and Copyrights; Maritime matters, insurance and charters; international contracting and corporate partnerships (Joint-Ventures), , and enforcement analysis of international treaties
Mr. Echeverria is not licensed to practice law in Florida, is not a member of the Florida Bar or a member of the bar of any state or territory of the United States, and therefore does not provide legal advice with respect to matters involving the laws of the United States, its 50 states, and territories.
Professional Experience
- Head Of the Department of International Law & Professor of International Law, School of Law, University Rafael Urdaneta, (State of Zulia, Venezuela);
- Managerial Experience, Public Relations, Teaching and Training, Business Negotiation, International Conflict Mediation and Arbitration, Multidisciplinary Research and Due-Diligence.
- Founder ECHEVERRIA & ASSOCIATES – International Consulting Law Firm.
- Professor of International Business Law at San Ignacio University, Miami, Florida, and formerly at Marconi International University, in Miami, Florida.
- Co-Counsel in select Latin America matters for Carey Rodriguez Milian, LLP, Miami, Florida 2008-2022.
- “The International Mercantile Contract in the Modern World” – (Aspects of International Validation and Document Legalization) – Supreme Court of Justice, Venezuela. 2004
- “The Application of the Concepts of ‘Domicile’ and ‘Residence’ in Tax International Treaties to Avoid Double Imposition” – Supreme Court of Justice, Venezuela. 2003
- “Legal Framework for Foreign Investment in Latin America“ – Bancomara Financial Group. 1993
Participation in Diplomatic Assignments and International Fora
- Consular Agent for the United States in Venezuela (Western District).
- Speaker for the Venezuelan Delegation before the Latin-Finance New York Conference [1993] and before the Chamber of Commerce State of Louisiana [1994]
- Contract negotiator in energy projects for Latin America (Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia) – 2005-09
Counsel for Venezuela at the International Maritime Organization (London, U.K.) – 200
Academic Titles, Courses & Degrees
- Bachelor (G.C.E. Cambridge) from the Abbey School of Mount St. Benedict, Trinidad W.I.
- College Degree in Comparative Law from Atlantic College, Glamorganshire, Wales, Great Britain.
- Attorney at Law, University of Zulia, Venezuela. 1974
- Diploma in management, Institute of High Studies of Administration (IESA), 1994
- Master Diploma in Philosophical Anthropology, University Sto Tomas de Aquino, Argentina. 2013
- MBA Degree International Business – San Ignacio de University. Miami, Florida, USA. 2018
- Completion of Courses by the Florida Association of Postsecondary School and Colleges (FAPSC) between August 2018 and October 2019.